Donald Trump: The Enigma of Society Paperback – September 11, 2019
Donald Trump – The Enigma of Society Have you ever wondered why you are the way you are? Perhaps you’ve looked in the mirror and despite your best efforts, what you see is a version of your parents you never intended to duplicate. Why does that happen? DNA & RNA are the keys to our personality and behavior in our daily lives. Using President Donald Trump as an example, Dr. Margaret’s guides explain the often hidden and forgotten encoded Soul Structure Coding that is passed on to us through our DNA and RNA. Your families DNA and RNA won’t stop with you. The younger generation will soon transform this country based upon their own ancestry. This non-political book is all about how and why we do the inexplicable things we find ourselves doing. Aren’t you curious about your own DNA and RNA? Then this book is a great place to start to learn the important lessons available to you. Channeled by Dr. Margaret Rogers Van Coops. British-born Dr. Margaret Rogers Van Coops, author, lecturer, Medium and personal counselor, has devoted her life to understanding and sharing channeled knowledge to further the well-being of her devoted clients. She offers you the opportunity to answer the proverbial question, “Why am I here?” through a view of one of the most controversial figures of modern history.
This book is a completely channeled work where Dr. Margaret’s Spirit Guides offer readers an opportunity to answer the proverbial question, “Why am I here?” through a view, of one of the most controversial figures of modern history. Using President Trump as an example, this channeled book, explains the often hidden and forgotten encoded Soul Structure Coding that is passed on through DNA and RNA. This book delves into how President Trump’s Soul Structure Coding, along with the DNA inherited from his ancestors, which has provided him with skills and various personality traits, that express his ways and means to repeat patterns of action and production. Spirit Guides expertly explain how characters and habits are passed down from generation to generation, stimulated by a person’s goal in life. The hope is that by reading this book, people will begin to consider their own ancestry and to understand why they do what they do, and how they could improve themselves, if they know their own Soul Structure Coding. Dr. Margaret believes that once a person knows his or her entire coding, and works with it, all the best things happen. It makes spiritual growth possible and invites opportunities that will strengthen one’s purpose in life.
Published 2019 US
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